Saxon Math
Classical School’s math program is based on the math content standards set forth in the Core Knowledge® Sequence. We use Saxon Math, an established program, to deliver this math instruction from Saxon Kindergarten to Geometry. Our students’ standardized test scores demonstrate Saxon Math’s success.
Students entering our program in grades 1 through 8 are placed in the appropriate math skill level using standardized test results. Math placement tests may be administered on a case-by-case basis. All kindergarten students are placement tested prior to school beginning in the fall. Some of the incoming kindergarten students are placed in Saxon K, while others will begin with Saxon 1.
The levels we use, and the associated math review packet (if available), are listed and linked below. Math review packets are optional and are to be used during the later part of the summer as a review of the previous year’s concepts.
- SAXON K (grade-level kindergarten)
- SAXON 1 (accelerated kindergarten & grade-level 1st grade)
- SAXON 2 (accelerated 1st grade & grade-level 2nd grade)
- SAXON 3 (accelerated 2nd grade & grade-level 3rd grade)
- SAXON 5/4 (accelerated 3rd grade & grade-level 4th grade)
- SAXON 6/5 (accelerated 4th grade & grade-level 5th grade)
- SAXON 7/6 (accelerated 5th grade & grade-level 6th grade)
- ALGEBRA 1/2 (accelerated 6th grade & grade-level 7th grade)
- Saxon Algebra 1 (accelerated 7th grade & grade-level 8th grade) no review packet available
- Saxon Geometry (accelerated 8th grade) no review packet available
Saxon Math